søndag 9. desember 2012

The amazing trash pack birthday cake!

A little while ago, my son turned 8 years! Yeeey, hes getting so big so fast! He wanted me to bake his cake for his party with his classmates. (omg) I really cannot bake! The only cake I can make, and Im good at making that, is the oreocake, because  doesnt need to get baked in the oven. Well, my son is a simple boy, and to my horror he wanted just a simple chocolate cake. He really wished for a cake shaped like one of the trashies, but he knows my cooking skills so he said he didnt expect it. I really wanted to suprise him and decided to give it a try. I googeled trash pack cake, and found some amazing pieces of art. most of them I knew from the start was just to difficult. One of them seemed easy enough:


Ok, so its not an easy cake to make. But really, the baking part was the hardest, once the cake was made, it wasnt really all that hard to shape it into thish trashy truck. This is NOT the cake I made. I just copied the photo, and Im sorry, I dondt remember where so I cant link back to the owner of this cake. Anyway, my truck turned to be almost the same. Not perfect like this one, but goog enough. I got the same colors, the same shape, eyes were in place and all the small details. After I think 3-4 hours in the kitchen I was Quite satisfied with myself. I woke up the next morning, and wanted to show my boy his special cake....... IT WAS BROKEN!!! Oh yes, since it was my first one, I now know I made a huge mistake. The coating here is marzipan, and the one I made was TO THIN. The eyes and everything else I glued on fell off during the night.... I got so freaking angry and sad, and at that point I just wanted to throw the stupid thing in the trash. Then it hit me. He wants a cake that looks like the trash pack = trash packs are garbage = so he really wants a cake that looks like garbage. :D Well, lets just say that he got exacly what he wanted!!

I trashed the cake even more, stuffed it into his trash can, and put a candle and some trashies on top! You know, boys are really simple, even when their small, bacause everyone loved the cake! And the best part is, they didnt need to cut it or eat it from plates with a fork. My tragidy turned out just great after all! :)

tirsdag 13. november 2012

Clean and simple for Kraft it up!

The november challenge at KIU is to make a layout clean and simple (minimalist).
Lets just say that I nailed the MINIMALIST-part! lol. I have made pages like this before, but its really not my favourite style. I feel like I have to put almost nothing on my page, and that can be really hard sometimes.
Anyway, I found a picture of me and my love thats really precious to me, (he hates being in front of the camera just as much as I do, so I dont have many pictures of us) and I sat quite a while trying to figure iut what to do with it. Finally I decided that I`ll basicly do nothing at all. I sprayed the background once, with dylusion ink, and added the light bulb from prima with the word "love" on it. And just to add a small detail to bring out the background colour i added the red heart as well.

I like this page, and when I look at it, I see nothing but true love. And theres nothing more to add to that.

Do you think its way to simple?

November 123 Challenge!

I came across This blog a few days ago, and I loved this months challenge, so I decided to give it a go! I think I have become a challenge-junkie! lol.

Anyway, this months challenge was:


The story behind my page is simple: I smoke and I wish I didnt. Its not that simple to quit, and I hate when people say that if you want to quit badly enough, you will. I have tried a cupple of times, but also started again. At least now Ive been able to cut down. I wish I can just stop one day.. So therefore the title: The bitter sweet taste!
I have used Vintage summer basics papers, from Maja Design, liquid pearl, gesso, distress crackle paint, flowers from Prima, Kort og godt and WOC, tags, coins,  metal from a soda can, overlays, buttons, felt star, homemade sticker, a heart made of wire, chipboard letters, metal bird from Tim Holtz, ribbons and button brads.

Thank you for looking :)


mandag 12. november 2012

Side uten tittel

Denne siden her var egentlig et prøveprosjekt, inspirert av  Finnabair.  Jeg hadde veldig lyst til å prøve meg på å male over alt av stæsj, få en sånn møkkete industriell og alikevel søt feeling over det hele, men det gikk ikke helt sånn. Underveis fant jeg ut at det aller aller meste av stæsjetpasset jo sammen fargemessig, så jeg syns vel det ble ganske kult å bare male over deler av det. Så det ble ikke helt i samme gata som hennes sider dette her, men jeg hadde det supergøy mens jeg lagde denne, så jeg prøver meg nok igjen senere. Siden har ingen overskrift, for den ble bare laget for å prøve ut denne stilen, og bildet er fra den gangen jeg laget headeren til bloggen her :)
Har begynt på en AJ side, litt på samme måten, så jeg får legge ut bilde av den når den blir ferdig også.

På denne loen har jeg brukt et gammelt mønsterark fra Prima, boksider, tag fra olabukse, blomster fra WOC og kort og godt, chipboard diecuts, en del washitape (som etterhvert sluttet å syns) gamle blonder og ellers masse skrot. (gamle ødelagte smykker, penger, knapper, perler, sikkerhetsnåler og ødelagte kjeder. Lyspæren er forresten ikke prima, det er en reservepære til adventsstaken min.

Takk for titten :)

søndag 11. november 2012

Frame it!

I found this white frame at my local craftstore, (Panduro) and I just had to try to make something to put on my wall. I dont usually make stuff to put around the house like this, but I think I will buy to more frames like this one. It almost fits a 12x12 layout and look georgeous.


Thank you for looking.

tirsdag 30. oktober 2012

White With One!

Finally Im back again! I have been working on some projects, but I havent had the time or energy to take pictures and post them on my blog yet.. It has been an exhausting fall so far, but now it seems Im getting my energy back again.

Anyways, This project I made for the wwo blog. I recomend this blog for a visit. Monthly challanges and lots of inspiration.

The challenge for october was: white+yellow+stars, and heres my lettersize layout!

(And now Ive read the rules over again -after making the LO and posting it on both blogs- and Im not so sure Ive followed the rules.. Oh, well, at least I had fun making it )

Thank you for looking :)

søndag 12. august 2012

Take time to relax

Oh how I have wished for some time to do just that. I think Im really not made for vacation. Even though it didnt last that long, it was really hard to start up again. Ive also worked some extra hours, so I could just forget about some scrapbook-time for a while.
Now Im used to it again. and Ive finally got to create something again.

Again Ive made a page, for a challenge at CSI.  I really love that blog! The challenges are really creative, and not to mention the inverstigators theme. I love everything about it!

For this case file I used a picture from the only time we went to the beach this year. (Thank you Norway for the perfect summer!! lol ) My life, just like everyone else`s is always tressfull, and it seems that relaxation is a foreign word! Sometimes you just have to sit down, take a deep breath and RELAX!

My evidence: Something grainy (glitter and perfect pearls), dots, rounded edges on the paper.
My testimony: I have documented a trip to the beach, and got inspired by the word calm -the title and jurnaling is about relaxation.

I hope you enjoyed it :)

lørdag 28. juli 2012

My friend.

So I only have 2 more days left of my vacation, and as my son had a playdate all day, I could bring my coffee upstairs and create. Really I had different photos in mind today, but I got an e-mail that casefile #30 was out and just had to check that out. You can also check it out here.
Again I was amazed. The challenge was perfect for me, and OMG how many gorgeous LO`s from the team there.
After looking for a while I started thinking how I wanted to solve the challenge. Almost right away I decided to document the friendship I now have with my mother. We never really had any relationship when I was growing up, but everything changed when I moved away from home. Today we can speak about anything and we also do alot together. It really means a lot to me that my mother is a true friend of mine. Thats why the jurnaling goes like this: "I hope we can stay as close as we are now, always. Xo xo xo"

I have used papers fron Graphic 45, Prima, paper doolies (I think they are called that) and fabric. The flowers are different Prima flowers, and the roses are from WOC. I have also used white paint, brown ink on the edges and the stamping, cheesecloth, white embellishment from Prima and MF, old tags, ribbon, old pins, pearls, Prima crystals, AC thickers, chipboard frame, and I`ve cut out butterflies from a different paper. I think thats about it!

I hope you enjoyed looking :)

fredag 27. juli 2012

1. klasse

This LO was made for the july challenge at Scrap the boys. The challenge was to "scrap your childrens school photos". I must admit, I`ve needed this kick to do it. The pictures are the very first my son took in school, and I will problably make more LO with these later. Im so sorry the picture of the LO got so bad, I promise I will take new ones and post them later.

Thanks for looking :)


This LO was made for the case file no. 29 over at CSI.
I have used all of the colours, the two elements I chose were wood/woodgrain an paint that I sanded after painting. I have used the word summer for my jurnaling and also documented a summer story.
The pictures are from the other day when we actually got to go to the beach for the first time this summer. (!!!!!!)

Thanks for looking :)

torsdag 26. juli 2012

Sweet kisses

Dette bildet er et av de veldig få jeg har der jeg får suss av Sebastian. Det er som regel veldig pinlig å gi meg det og spesielt foran kameraet. Bildet er fra en strandtur våren i fjor og jeg storkoste meg når jeg laget denne. Digger de knalle fargene på den grå bakgrunnen.

Takk for titten :)

Noen Halvferdige!

Jada, som nevnt før så scrappet jeg ikke på en stund. På vei tilbake til hobbyen har jeg begynt på xantall LOer jeg ikke har klart å lage ferdig. I dag så jeg gjennom disse og klarte å få ferdig 3 av de. Kunne sikkert tenkt og gjort mer med de, men pytt pytt!

Dette bildet måtte bare scrappes!! Vi var på ferie og besøkte foreldrene mine her for et par år siden. Tidlig om morgenen to sønnen min med seg bestemor i butikken for å kjøpe ferske rundstykker til mamma, når hun stod opp. Og som om ikke det var nok, kjøpte han denne blomsten, for den ville overleve flyturen hjem! <3 <3 <3
(historien står på tagen under bildet)

Ingenting gir meg mer sommerfølelse enn rødt, gult og hvitt sammen! I love it!

Hva er vel ikke mer typisk unger enn å ta fram sykkelen om våren og sykle i vanndammer?
(jada, jeg innrømmer det.. det gjelder ikke bare unger........)


Jeg fartet litt rundt i noen utfordringsblogger og fant denne:


Jeg blir så glad når jeg finner ting som ikke er så "jentete" siden jeg scrapper til gutt. Tenkte jeg skulle hive meg rundt og være med på utfordring 28, men jeg blandet datoen med en annen blogg og rakk ikke poste i tide.. Ja ja..
Kan ikke helt si at jeg ble fornøyd med det jeg laget, men det var likevel gøy. Jeg bruker toppen 3 farger når jeg lager en LO og derfor var det gøy å prøve å tvinge meg selv til å bruke flere. Som om ikke det var nok var det selvfølgelig masse farger jeg vanligvis ikke bruker. Morro å prøve nye ting og utfordre grensene :)

onsdag 18. juli 2012

Og mens man venter...

Legger jeg ut noen bilder av de seneste loene jeg har laget..

Velkommen til bloggen min!

Etter noen år uten å scrappe klør jeg i fingrene etter å sette i gang igjen og starter med å lage en ny blogg. Det vil nok ta en liten stund å fylle opp bloggen, men jeg håper du vil ta turen innom igjen :)